
Maintained & Permanent Placement*
Booked more than 48 hours out

1 child: $29/hour
2 children: $30/hour
3 children: $31/hour

All care booked less than 48 hours out

Additional $2/hr to service

Booked more than 48 hours out

Additional $3/hr to service

Visit our FAQ page for observed Holiday’s

Hotel Care
Booked more than 48 hours out

1 - 3 children:

Flat Rate $37/hour

Nanny Share
Booked more than 48 hours out

2 children: $35/hour
3 children: $39/hour

Infant Multiples
12 months and under

Twins: $33/hour


Weddings, Conferences, Holiday Parties and more!

Just as your event is unique, so is the care that we can provide! Contact us for rates.


*Processing and $3 booking fee not including in hourly pricing